Our Services

Our Services

See How We Can Help

At Calgary Ear Centre we go beyond the standard tests and hearing aid fitting, we work with patients to ensure they have the best possible outcome. Each patient will undergo an audiological assessment, review of results and will have time to address hearing concerns and ask questions relating to ear health. Our staff will listen to the patient and work together to understand individual needs and set goals for rehabilitation. If hearing aids are recommended it is done so with consideration of degree of hearing loss, individual goals, manual dexterity and finances.

Services Offered

Hearing Assessments

Pediatric Hearing Tests

(Ages 7+)

Hearing Aid Evaluations

Masker Device Consultation

Employment Assessments

Custom Molded Ear Products

Tinnitus and Sound

Sensitivity Consultation

Populations Served

Children and Teenagers

(Ages 7+)


Seniors (65+)

Persons with Disabilities

Impact of Hearing Loss on Children

Hearing loss may be described as any defect in the ability to perceive or understand sound. Hearing loss may be “unilateral” (affecting one ear), or “bilateral” (affecting both ears). Children with hearing loss are at significant educational risk. “Children with mild to moderate hearing losses, on average, achieve one to four grade levels lower than their peers with normal hearing, unless appropriate management occurs” (SAC, n.d.). Parents, teachers, audiologists and other professionals should work together with the child to teach them to understand their hearing loss and to advocate for their listening needs. Everyone is unique and may find different strategies helpful.

Children with unilateral or bilateral hearing loss may have difficulty with the following

  • Hearing or understanding speech in a noisy room or at a distance (“selective hearing”)
  • Paying attention and may be easily distracted
  • Following spoken instructions and conversation
  • Inappropriate behaviors because they are frustrated
  • Keeping up with classroom work
  • Speech and language development, including grammar and vocabulary
  • Missing small words (e.g., an, the)
  • Missing spelling, reading and phonemic awareness skills
  • Hearing individual sounds clearly enough to identify fine differences in words (e.g., talked vs. talk vs. top, word endings including “-s”, “-ing”, “-ed”)
  • Peer relations and social confidence
  • Tiring more easily than classmates
  • Passive learning - children with hearing loss miss important information when the conversation is not directed towards them
  • Sensitivity to loud sounds
  • Locating warning sounds and other environmental noises
  • Knowing the location from which speech and sounds are coming

If you suspect your child is having difficulty hearing or want to rule it out as part of a psych-ed assessment, contact us!

Information sourced above can be found on the Alberta College of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists at https://www.acslpa.ca/public-section/information-sheets/

Do you or your child have Auditory Processing Disorder, an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Unilateral Hearing Loss or attention/focus difficulties? At CEC, we carry products that can help aide listening for those with these types or challenges. Book an appointment today to meet with our audiologist to discuss technology that may help you or your child.

Custom Ear Molds

Variety of applications

  • Swim Molds – waterproof plugs ideal for water sports, swimming and showering for people with chronic ear infection.
  • Communication Mold – a custom fit mold intended for use with a two-way portable radio system, often used by law enforcement offices and security guards.
  • Ear Defenders – the ultimate in hearing protection, a custom fit plug to prevent noise induced hearing loss.
  • Bluetooth Communication Mold – a custom mold designed for your ear and bluetooth ear piece to allow complete comfort for hands free communication. (Please note the bluetooth device will be needed for manufacturing)
  •  Musician Ear Plugs – custom plugs that can be designed with different filters depending on individual requirements.
  • Sleeper Molds – ideal for sleeping, reading, travelling and anywhere quietness is desired.
  • Custom Earbuds – custom molds that house generic store bought earbuds promoting ease of use for vigorous exercise including running and comfort for personal listening. (Please note the earbuds will be needed for manufacturing)
  • Medical Professionals – custom ear pieces stethoscopes and other listening devices. (Please note the device will be needed for manufacturing)
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